Dental låg hastighet handstycke Professional Kit Wrench Type + 2 Hög hastighet 4/2 Hål
1 piece NEW Dental Slow Low Handpiece Kit Straight Nose Cone + Contra Angle + Air Motor 4/2H
2 pieces Dentist Dental Fast High Speed Handpiece Standard Wrench Type Single Spray 4/2 hål
– High speed handpiece Wrench Type 4/2 hål: 2 bit
– E-type air motor 4/2-Hole: 1 bit
– Straight nose cone: 1 bit
– Contra Angle handpiece: 1 bit
– Water spray nozzle: 1 bit
– Oil spray nozzle: 1 bit
– CAP Spanner: 1 bit
Features about low speed handpiece:
– E-type connector
– Wrench type
– Exakt teknik, Stadig, ingen vibration när du roterar, erbjuder en stadig operation.
– Suitable for any E-type handpiece accords with ISO standard
– 135°C Autoklaverbar, suitable for both steam and chemical autoclave
Features about high speed handpiece:
4/2-hole standard Wrench type handpiece
Enkel vattenspray
Chucking power of chucking needle is 20N-45N.
It is noise-free and stable.
Applicable Bur: Φ1.590~1.60mm and should be conformed to ISO standard.
Idling speed of handpiece should be no less than 370,000 rotations under working air pressure of 25-30 pressure atmosphere.
Special for operations such as clamping high-speed dentistry machine needle to drill and grind teeth in department of stomatolog, it is more professional.
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