Перекись карбамида & hydrogen peroxide All professional grade teeth whitening products contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, что такое отбеливание (или удаление пятен) агент. Перекись водорода распадается быстрее, чем перекись карбамида., Это означает, что он высвобождает большую часть своей отбеливающей способности в течение 30–60 минут.. Наоборот, перекись карбамида выделяет около 50% of its whitening power […]
Категория архива: Без
There is no one size fits all answer to exactly how many gel syringes will be required to remove all stains. Variables that help determine the number of syringes needed are: stain type, age, frequency of applications, duration of each application, and the concentration of the peroxide in the teeth whitening gel. The most common […]
Treatements vary for certain types of tooth stains The cause of tooth stains is not always the result of colored foods and beverages. Особые группы населения страдают от пятен, вызванных лекарствами., фторид, табак, старение, или травма зуба. Depending on the severity of the stain and its type these special populations may not benefit […]
Влияет ли отбеливание зубов на эмаль? Among the most frequently asked questions is “does teeth whitening damage the enamel?” The conclusive answer is no, teeth whitening gel will NOT damage or harm your tooth enamel. Enamel is considered the hardest tissue in the human body. Enamel consists of tiny tubules that can only be viewed […]
Pregnant/ Breast Feeding Our products are not intended for use on women that are pregnant, breastfeeding, or currently undergoing fertility treatments. Tooth whitening is a cosmetic concern; currently there are no tests on the effects of the ingredients. Excessive dental work on front teeth Dental restorations are highly durable and designed to strengthen and protect […]
Types Of Teeth Whitening Treatments and Risk Associated With Them Teeth Whitening Treatments: What Are the Options Available? Tooth discoloration is a common problem, but there’s a wide range of teeth whitening products available these days, depending on your budget, comfort, время (you can spare for treatment) and the amount of discoloration/staining. Let’s look at […]
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