Who should NOT use teeth whitening?

Pregnant/ Breast Feeding

Our products are not intended for use on women that are pregnant, breastfeeding, or currently undergoing fertility treatments. Tooth whitening is a cosmetic concern; currently there are no tests on the effects of the ingredients.

Excessive dental work on front teeth

Dental restorations are highly durable and designed to strengthen and protect tooth structure. Unlike natural teeth, a dental restoration does not have the capability to absorb whitening agents. Natural teeth have pores and irregularities that can harbor even the smallest amounts of debris and bacteria, while fillings and crowns have been glazed or polished and rounded to create a glassy smooth surface. It is possible that if the underlying natural tooth is exposed to the whitening product, the restoration may appear lighter. Thus is made possible if the veneer has enough translucency to allow visibility of the natural shade of the tooth. Read more

Unrealistic Expectations

Unrealistic personal expectations, and a disregard to follow direction are the main reasons for whitening disappointment. Given that someone is following the directions, they will get results at some level. Almost anyone with a permanent detention is a candidate of tooth whitening. Understanding that the variety of outcome is very widespread. It is merely impossible to gauge whitening outcome. Each given situation is unique. Final results reflect the individuals natural tooth color, how stubborn the stain is, how long the stain has been there, and the system you choose. Read more

Under the age of 12 years old

The use of tooth whitening on children is not advised for several reasons. The mineral content of baby a baby tooth is considerably less than that of a permanent tooth, putting a child at a greater risk for demineralization. There is a higher risk of irreversible tooth damage caused by abuse and overexposure. Accidental consumption of whitening gel is also a concern in children. Read more...

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