Keeping thosePearly WhitesWhite with teeth whitening products!

Keeping those “ Pearly Whites” White with teeth whitening products!

그래서, which teeth whitening products keep teeth pearly white? Back in the day, there really was not much you could do about your teeth when they started to turn yellow. It was just an UGH moment when you realized the only way to deal with it was to stop opening your mouth, but then you decided that was not very realistic, so you did what all of us did at the time…you just lived with it.


Well there are plenty of teeth whitening products and natural solutions, and we don’t have to “just live with it” anymore. Though it was, and still is today, the inevitable for all of us who breathe, eat or drink anything to have some type of discoloration of our teeth, today we have options. There are a myriad of teeth whitening products on the market that are easily available to the average consumer. You also have the option of visiting your dentist to have a teeth whitening procedure done in the office. As you can imagine, an office visit is expensive with teeth whitening products and treatments costing on average ten times more than at-home teeth whitening kits. So you might pay $50 for take-home teeth whitening products online or in a drug store, BUT a treatment that uses the same whitening gel in a dental office will cost around $500. If a visit to the dentist is not for you, then it is time to do some due diligence and discover which teeth whitener is the right one for you.

Now there is the challenge! As I said, there are a myriad of teeth whitening products on the market, but how can we decide which one is the right one?

Some people prefer home remedies such as baking soda to gently whiten teeth at home, others choose foods such as celery, apples, pears, and carrots which trigger lots of saliva, to help wash away food debris on your teeth. Chewing sugarless gum is another tooth-cleansing action that also triggers saliva. Saliva helps neutralize the acid that causes tooth decay therefore helping keep our teeth healthy and whiter.

Now these are good habits to put into practice to help maintain your teeth, but most of us still need to find that right product to get the whitening process started. Many home teeth whitening productscontain carbamide peroxide, a bleach that can remove both deep and surface stains and actually changes your natural tooth color. You can apply the whitener with a brush that comes with your kit or put gel into mouth trays molded especially for your teeth. You will find various teeth whitening products that will help bring those teeth back to the white, healthy state they should be. Look around until you find the one that best fits your needs.

Once you have your teeth whitened with your chosen teeth whitening products to the shade that you are comfortable with, make sure you take your maintenance seriously. The number one thing to do is brush, floss, brush, floss as much as you can. Another trick is after you have had a drink, glass of wine or fruit that is high in anti-oxidants rinse your mouth with clear water. All of those dark colors are great for your health and you should not skimp on them, but remember that your teeth will process the color differently from your body so a quick little rinse with be a win win for all of you!

Remember – whiten, maintain and enjoy your bright new smile with the help of teeth whitening products!

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