月別アーカイブ: 12月 2013


Treatements vary for certain types of tooth stains The cause of tooth stains is not always the result of colored foods and beverages. Special populations suffer from stains caused by medication, fluoride, タバコ, aging, or trauma to the tooth. Depending on the severity of the stain and its type these special populations may not benefit […]

歯のホワイトニングはエナメル質にダメージを与えますか? 歯を白くすると何が起こるかについての詳細な分析.

歯のホワイトニングはエナメル質にダメージを与えますか? 最もよくある質問の中には、 “does teeth whitening damage the enamel?” The conclusive answer is no, teeth whitening gel will NOT damage or harm your tooth enamel. Enamel is considered the hardest tissue in the human body. Enamel consists of tiny tubules that can only be viewed […]