Jusqu'à il y a quelques années, seuls les dentistes peuvent effectuer des traitements de blanchiment des dents. aujourd'hui, presque tous ceux qui apprennent à proposer cette procédure simple peuvent avoir une entreprise rentable de blanchiment des dents.. c'est rapide et facile pour toutes les parties impliquées.
Le blanchiment des dents est l’une des procédures cosmétiques les plus simples s’il est bien fait.. doing it right means using a proper whitening agent (that is, a good hydrogen peroxide gel and carbamide peroxide gel, and in the uk and france you can use non-peroxide teeth whitening gel) and an appropriate whitening accelerator. the most practical accelerator is an led lamp emitting cold blue light with a wavelength of around 465 nanometers. this wavelength of light is ideal for activating the hydrogen peroxide and accelerating the whitening process. we also supply other accessories,such as mouth tray,gingival barrier, goggles and so on.
The procedure is very simple. hydrogen peroxide gel is applied to the teeth. a cold blue light is placed directly in front of the customer’s exposed teeth and run for 15-20 minutes per treatment. you typically perform 1 à 3 treatments on each customer during the same session, and the more treatments you perform the better results you obtain.
As to the differences in teeth whitening lamps, the main differences are in esthetics and price. choose the nicest teeth whitening led lamps,pls make sure that it is a legitimate led teeth whitening lamp that emits blue light. “fast good customer service. better than zoom light. works great” this is the feedback from one of our precious client dr. gary seid.,if you want to know more,pls call or email to us.