La radiographie dentaire a évolué du développement de films et de produits chimiques vers un processus hautement technique impliquant différents types d'appareils à rayons X numériques., ainsi que de puissants logiciels dentaires pour aider le dentiste dans l'acquisition d'images et l'analyse diagnostique des images acquises.. Au moment de prendre la décision d’acheter un équipement à rayons X, the doctor needs to research the available options thoroughly, in order to make an informed choice for the “right” machine for his or her practice.
Your dentist or the dental tech inputs the command for the the dental x ray machine to send a X-ray through your teeth and into the sensor, effectively taking a photo of your tooth or teeth. The sensor captures the resulting image and sends it through the wire to the computer. Then your dentist will reposition the sensor and take additional digital X-rays until all of your teeth have been X-rayed.
Most of the earliest X-rays depended on photographic films to capture the images and make them readable. Digital detectors skip this step; rather than using light beamed through objects onto film, it allows for digital scanning and image interpretation. In terms of radiation the two are about the same initially, though digital versions typically have a shorter exposure time and as such tend to be more efficient.
The intraoral camera enlarges the inside of the teeth to more than 40 times their actual size on a full color screen display. By zooming in on problem areas in affecting the teeth, dentists are capable of seeing much more than they could with the human eye alone. Often, dentists find the beginnings of periodontal disease or tooth decay that would have otherwise gone undetected if examined without the intraoral camera.
The intraoral camera is not just a diagnostic tool, but it also serves as an educational one too. In the past, dentists have struggled to explain dental decay and other health problems to patients. Most people cannot see well into their own mouths, which leaves dentists to drawing diagrams or using props to attempt to explain what is going on in the mouth of their patients.