This is the safest formula with no harsh chemicals, best for those with sensitive teeth. Tratamiento: recomienda un tratamiento por día hasta que haya alcanzado la máxima blancura (normalmente 14 dias). Cada tratamiento es 20-60 minutos,Depende de si te sientes cómodo.
Makes a fantastic portable teeth whitening treatment when applied to all of the visible teeth
Perfect for touching up another whitening treatment when applied to problem spots or uneven areas
Doubles of all accessories and Pen so that you can give the gift of a whiter smile to a friend or loved one
Professional Tooth bleaching kits system home best
The Grinigh Precise White line of teeth whitening utilizes pen applicators with a brush on tip. These applicators allow the use of a minimum amount of gel for the maximum result, applying the gel exactly where needed. As a treatment by itself the gel is easy to use and as effective as syringe kits or strips, giving the same whitening results as a dental whitening. As a follow up treatment to a professional or home whitening, the precision applicator allows you to target problems pots or areas where the whitening was uneven due to tooth or tray shape. The applicator is fast and easy to use and formulated to be both easy on the gums and effective as a whitening agent. This incredible kit can whiten your teeth just as effectively as those complicated syringe kits with just an easy pen applicator and a mouth tray! You can use the included shade guide to compare your before and after results, porque sabemos que usted verá una diferencia. Compra hoy y ver lo que una sonrisa más blanca puede hacer por usted.
Kit completo incluye 2 Aplicador de plumas con gel blanqueador, 2 LED White Light, 4 soft button-together mouth trays (2 top and 2 bottom), 2 caso retenedor, 2 guía de colores, y 1 manual de Inglés.
Mantener el producto alejado de los niños; No se recomienda su uso en mujeres embarazadas, en periodo de lactancia, recientemente ha tenido cirugía oral, o tienen heridas abiertas o infecciones en la boca; Blancura, sensibilidad, sensacion de quemarse, o dolor puede ocurrir temporalmente como consecuencia del uso, trate de mantener el gel fuera de las encías y los labios.
Gel: Glicerol; carbómeros; El mentol / DL-mentol / L-mentol; Agente de blanqueamiento; dihidrógeno disódico; etilendiamina-tetraacetato
Mantener dentro 0-15 centígrados durante 1 año (refrigerar)
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