Author Archives: Registrert

Hva forårsaker gule tenner & Hvordan forhindre det?

Når du pusser to ganger om dagen og bruker tanntråd, hjelper det ikke med å forbedre de gule tennene dine, it’s time to consider other options. Teeth become yellow due to stains – both deep and surface-level – as well as other causes that sometimes aren’t under our control. Whether the discoloration is due to staining or other factors, several over-the-counter (OTC) […]

About Teeth WhiteningWhiten Your Teeth Self

Until a couple of years ago, only dentists could perform teeth whitening treatments. today, almost anyone that learns how to offer this simple procedure can have a profitable teeth whitening business. it is quick and easy for all parties involved. Teeth whitening is one of the simplest cosmetic procedures if done right. doing it right […]

7 Ting du må vite før du kjøper tannbleking

Fungerer Whitening? Whitening er en kjemi som har vist seg å virke, each having guidelines specified to the product itself. Just like anything else, if the directions are not followed, the product cannot be expected to produce results. The most efficient whitening method includes custom fitted whitening trays, designed to keep the oxygen from escaping, increasing […]

Benefits of Choosing Custom Fitted Teeth Whitening Trays

Whitening trays with peroxide bleaching agent Teeth whitening trays ensure the gel adheres to your teeth for the duration of each whitening session. Without custom fitted teeth whitening trays it’s very difficult to not only keep the gel in contact with the tooth but even more difficult to bleach away the stains located in the […]

Some Information about Digital Radiography

Dental radiography has evolved from film and chemical developers into a highly technical process that involves various types of digital x-ray machines, as well as powerful dental software programs to assist the dentist with image acquisition and diagnostic analysis of the acquired images. When making the decision to purchase x-ray equipment, the doctor needs to […]

Noe å smile om: Å bleke tennene er enklere enn noen gang - bare ikke gå for langt

Whitening tennene er enklere enn noen gang

De fleste ønsker et lyst smil som kan tjene dem godt både personlig og profesjonelt, but teeth whitening procedures can also come with negatives. (ISTOCK/GETTY) How your teeth look says a lot about you. That’s why many people opt for teeth-whitening procedures at the dentist’s office or whitening strips that can be purchased for use […]